Thursday 21 October 2010

Inspirations: M.Night Shymalan

Director M.Night Shymalan is famous for having twist endings in almost all of his films. Most of the time these are extremely successful and really shock the audience. For example one of his movies "The Village" had a huge twist ending which completely changed the plot. Our group was very inspired by some of his earlier work (The Sixth Sense, The Village, Signs) and especially their twists. As stated in other posts we really wanted to achieve a similar ending which leaves the audience puzzled and shocked. However M.Night receives a lot of criticism for this and is normally labeled a "one trick pony." Despite this he is still an influence on our group.

The film "Signs" was a huge influence on our production in terms of structure. We admired how at the beginning of the film very odd things are happening such as crop circles appearing in the main characters' farm but the characters and audience do not know who is making these. However throughout the film crop circles start appearing more all over the world and people finally realised that alien invaders are creating these. The ending is filled with tension as the main protagonists are trying to survive in a basement while the aliens are trying to break in to kill them. The film then ends with a signature M. Night Shymalan twist. We really liked this structure as things keep getting worse and worse for the main characters and the story gets really deep during the second half of the film. For our film we will probably follow a similar structure to this film as we feel it works extremely well.

Jack Windsor

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