Thursday 21 October 2010

Ideas for the Film

Throughout the blogging process we are constantly changing the idea of our film, one thing we have discussed is creating a ghost story, something that we feel is fairly unique in short films. I myself have a very keen interest in the Horror genre, some of my favorite films come from this genre like 'The Shining' and 'Paranormal Activity' I feel I love these films mainly due to the thrill earned from being scared and the sudden rush that is felt after each scare. I also love the shock endings that usually occur at the end of the films, something that we would love to incorperate into our short film, to give a lasting effect to the audience.

Creating a film around the theme of Ghosts is extremely tough, and something we most definitely need to sit down, discuss and write every idea we come up with. The main thing we need to do, of course, is to make it scary, and sometimes the scariest parts of a film are the parts you can't see, and make the audience imagine what is occurring. A good example of this would be "The Haunting" or "The Amitiville Horror". Making the Ghost invisible is something we would definitely do if we were to create this type of film, the generic white sheets and chains are something we as a group are definitely going to steer clear from and instead use the power of sound and imagination to scare to scare our audience. As I mentioned before the original "The Haunting" is an outstanding example of a scary movie that uses light and shadow and angles to make a spooky atmosphere. Some shots of the house inside and out are frightening with this effect. The house does appear to be looking at you at certain angles, keeping the audience on edge with fear. The film's scares could be subtle but equally are effective.

By Anthony Wilson

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