Tuesday 19 October 2010

Influence: The House That Drips Blood on Alex

'The House That Drips Blood on Alex' is a short horror film starring Tommy Wiseau (director of the cult classic 'The Room') It is about a man who purchases a new house on Blood street (pronouced Blued) and finds out that the house literally drips blood on him while he is both unconscious and conscious. This short film is very odd as it is technically a Horror film, however Wiseau and his co-star's unintentionally bad acting makes the film extremely humourous right from the start, which is a theme in everything Wiseau stars in.

The film possesses a shock ending which is something we want to incorporate into our own film. Alex (Wiseau) has grown tired of constantly having blood dripped on to him and decides to investigate the attic as this is where he believes the source of the blood is coming from. He discovers the blood is coming from a dead clone of himself, however this is never explained in the film. This leaves the audience with a lasting impression and makes them question what actually happened to Alex/Alex's clone. This is something we hope to achieve with our film as we want our ending to be so mysterious that nobody is entirely sure what happened. In my opinion a great twist/shock ending will turn a good short film into an excellent one because it makes the audience remember it.

Another aspect of the film which I admired was how the director could tell a story with a run time of around 12 minutes. Successful short films can range from 3 minutes long to around 40 minutes long. however our group was aiming for a run time of about 7 -10. 'The House that Drips Blood on Alex' showed me that we can create a successful film without having to make it too long.

Below is the Trailer to the film which I uploaded to Youtube myself which has gained over 30,000 views:

Jack Windsor

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