Wednesday 3 November 2010

Iconography That Influences Ideas For Our Film

Despite the fact that the clip above is real footage from a documentary surrounding The Real Amityville Horror, of which I viewed on television recently, I managed to find the clip I found quite startling and I feel as a group we can use this as inspiration to influence our short film, and create a piece of iconography surrounding ghost children, something that is seen by audiences as incredibly scary mainly due to the view of children being sweet and innocent. The idea links strongly to our controlling idea. This is an extremely bold move which we believe we can pull off with subtle scares, For example, a ghost peering out from a doorway directly into the camera, almost as if it is staring directly at the audience is something that we can used to full effect and have the audience frozen in fear.

Another piece of iconography we are looking to use is that of a flash light,the clip above shows how one of our influences, director M.Night Shymalan uses the prop in the film Signs. As a group we feel the way in which this is used is something we would love to achieve with our film. The use of the high angle shot showing actor Mel Gibson alone in the dark, eerie setting slowly scanning the environment with the flash light looking for anything odd creates tension for the audience and also gives off plenty of enigmas making the audience wonder what is out there. Also, the use of the first person perspective used with a hand held camera is something we are looking to use, as he shines the flash light on the point of the scare, making it visible to the audience supported by the high pitch of music causes the audience to react in a fearful manner.

By Anthony Wilson

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