Thursday 25 November 2010

Final Location

As a group we finally decided on the primary location of our film. We wanted to have a very creepy environment that would frightened our audience so we decided to brainstorm ideas one afternoon. After tons of discussion Anthony and I thought it would be a good idea to film in some woods behind the school. We planned on using this location last year for 'Deceit' however after discussing it further the group decided on not using it as it didn't really suit our storyline. However we feel this location is absolutely perfect for our production this time round as it is extremely eerie and we believe it will really help to scare our audience which is a task we are trying to accomplish because our film is a Horror. It is also very reminiscent of a location from one of our influences 'The Village' where the director (M.Night Shymalan) turned normal woods into a very frightening and haunted place.

Fortunately these woods are very close to all of our homes and each one of us can get there very easily. We will probably walk to this location but Michael can drive so we can get to other locations via his car if we need to. As stated before the woods are behind Shenfield High School but can also be accessible behind McDonalds. There are many areas within these woods that we plan on using for scenes which I have marked on the picture below.

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