Thursday, 6 January 2011

Methods of marketing our short film

 For people to see our short film, we need to get it out there, we need to market. With the ever growth of th e internet, marketing your product has changted dramatically from 10 years ago. We will have to market and look into New Media Technologies, like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and blogger. However we will still stick to the old fashioned roots of posters, reviews in magazines and word of mouth.

We could create our own Facebook page which gives details about the films and allows viewers to discuss on a forum what they thought of the film. It also allows us the team behind the film to get in contact with the viewers gaining vital audience feedback.

Twitter could be extremely usefull aswell as obtaining vital audience feedback, we could keep fans in the know of what we are up to regarding other productions and ideas.

To market our product we could create a 30 second teaser of our short film or unseen footage. This could be shown in cinemas, so that millions of people around the country would see. WE would display information such as where our short film is showing or what channel on TV.

Also, at the London short film festival we could air our short film, this will attract huge attention and create hysteria around our short film. We could also show our preivous film, Deceit, this would create an interest around us as a team and maybe even create a fan base.

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