Saturday, 7 January 2012

Evaluation Activity 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Why is our magazine important?
Our Film has so much emotion crammed into it is absolutely spectacular but of course the film itself does not represent our entire project. We have all worked extremely hard on our ancillary tasks. The ancillary tasks consist of a poster and magazine article that we have produced.

The Magazine article consists of several points that both promote our film and excite the audience> it is important that we have a good magazine article to go with our final film because it is hard for us to sell our story without giving away the ending. A magazine review offers feedback from a third party that will excite and reassure the reader that Limbo is in fact much worth seeing.
As you can see Ant has made the article look like any other big time movie review. Key points that make the magazine look professional are pointed out by the arrows.

The higher up arrow points out the brief information box, if you open up any legitimate film magazine you will see they all do this. The second arrow pointing to a quote made bigger is also a key fundamental of a film review. It draws in the reader and convinces them that it is worth the read.
Why did we think a magazine article would be so important?
The combination of our film and a magazine article with a superb poster allows us to have the best impact on a a possible audience. The whole theme of limbo is that the audience has an experience from the first time they hear about the film to the riveting moment they whiteness the shocking twist ending. To take away the magazine article and poster from our film would be robbing it of its greatness and what it deserves. All aspects of the ancillary task make up the final project.

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